About Me

As mothers we all have our days where we just don't feel like we're

doing a good job. We need to hear that we aren't the only ones feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Well I'm here to help!!!
Whether it's tricks I've used or yummy recipes we love or just funny stories about the insanity happening in our house every single day. I want to share my stories and hear yours too.

I am a single, stay at home mom that is just taking life day by day. I am the krazy momma of 2 kooky kiddos. A 7 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. I am also a homeschooler and a geek mom! I am a bit of a hippie, born in the wrong generation. I have my own unique way of mothering. I hope to inspire, learn from and support other free spirited mommas. More than anything, I hope the build friendships with other krazy and kooky ladies.

Please subscribe, follow me Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram!  And please email me or leave comments. I hope to learn from each and every one of you and I'd love to hear your advice and tips!! I also have another website that focuses more on homeschooling and I'd love for you to check it out too!! https://featherbedhomeschool.wordpress.com/

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DIY Lava Lamp

Cabin fever?  Yes, this is a constant problem in our house right now.  I do my best to keep them busy and occupied, but sometimes we just ne...