Thursday, February 15, 2018

Hello Fellow Krazy Parents

As parents we all have our krazy or kooky moments! But that's what makes us special, right? Hopefully we don't scar our children too badly as they grow into adults! I am starting this blog to speak to, help and support fellow krazy parents.

Some days we all need a little support. To feel like we aren't losing our minds and we're raising our kids the best we can. Many of us just wing it when it comes to our kooky kiddos.

As a stay at home mom, and a homeschooler, we have some pretty interesting days around here. But I hope to share some tips, tricks, recipes, homeschool ideas, parenting ideas and just crazy momma stories!

Please follow me and leave comments if you have suggestions, questions or tips for me! As a parent, a homeschooler and a blogger-I'm still learning everyday and I appreciate all the help you can offer!

Please keep coming back and reading!!

Have a great day and hang in there!!

1 comment:

DIY Lava Lamp

Cabin fever?  Yes, this is a constant problem in our house right now.  I do my best to keep them busy and occupied, but sometimes we just ne...