Sunday, April 1, 2018

I Hope My Kids Believe In Magic!

We have established the fact that I am a proud nerd and geek, but I also have another side to me. My hippie, free spirited side still believes in magic! And I want my kids to believe also.

I know that sounds a little kooky, but that belief is also what inspires their imaginations. As our children "grow up" younger and faster these days, I want them to hold on to their innocence for as long as possible. I want them to believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Not to use it as a tool to make them behave or to lord it over them as a threat. But to encourage that excitement and joy, not just for the holidays. I want them to look for magic in the world, each and every day.  

I want them to hold on to the hope that as we take a walk in the woods, they might catch sight of a fairy. Or maybe they'll spot a sprite fluttering around a quiet pond. But I also want them to see the magic in nature. The way flowers die each winter and then return even stronger each spring. How an octopus can change color, in the blink of an eye, in order to hide from danger. The feeling of awe and excitement and hope we feel when we see a sunset. A rainbow or the smell of rain. These are all things that we cherish and help us stay grounded when we're hurt. 

There is a scientific explanation for almost everything that happens in nature, but for some of us, it feels more like a type of magic. A type of appreciation that we tend to lose and take for granted as we get older. We get caught up in the chaos and frustration of everyday life. As a society, we grow more cynical day by day. I am a true believer in science of all of types and I am thankful for all the advances we've made. We shouldn't forget there is wonder in nature and isn't created by any human. 

This is a gift I want to pass on to my kids. I want them to value education and also value what happens, naturally, all around them. So yes I want my kiddos to believe in magical creatures and the spirit of magical characters. The excitement and happiness our kids feel during the holidays isn't just about the gifts they'll receive. It's the closeness of family and the joy in their hearts. What kids see in magic is a possibility of something amazing happening. Something that surprises them and doesn't happen every day. And I feel that the more they believe in those possibilities, the more they will look around to find those small surprises and truly appreciate them.

Thanks for reading and I'd love for you to follow this blog. You never what kooky things I'll decide to write about each day! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and please be kind to yourself and others!

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